A. di Michele


ink heave
                                          (am, a.m.)
heave from (that) rabid
eye moment lair
                               (L'AIR circuitries)
push away
push off        of

ZIKR plod on (black tongue) heave
the remember OUT (of) dream restraints
of backbrain's bedsore state
back-of-mind abscess       (reentry)
           (port muladhara)
WAKE up there     down
there       is the only wireless rise-
up    wake. ride out      open
crystal dust encrusted eye
to daily dawn blot      do
not  "go"
     make no
itinerary round
trip conscious effort
only (only) please DESCEND
on theta resonance waves
wake up) always to quicksilver
               --buckshot celestial rearrive--
readjust climb out     pace
instantaneous nearly

w/ breath   ink   steady
quivering tungsten lamp canon indetermine
vox-pax glitch ingrown

or perhaps immediate alpha-
beta hymn (o little) neolithic town
        can manage           (red dwarf settlements)
state mid-day fax       fax
self eye globus extremis
       dermis down
       instead of: limbic shmmy
down doze (dozing) reptile blink
spine spin (shakti shakti) esprit
d'arbre caduceused in light
trespass inner tangle pre-
DNA etc filament, fist       this
the aboriginal burning bush
of power and knowledge beside
the albino frogs glazed with altar
        leave all passports id papers font
smears karmic skidmarks
("inklings of pasture")

      in the returnable future

e-mail the poet at Mempath@cs.com
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